#6 Community for the Centocelle Public Park

Written October 7, 2016
#6 Community for the Centocelle Public Park

The last meeting, which took place on 5 October 2016 at the headquarters of the Fifth Town Hall, begins with the report of the activities that the group has carried out in recent days on the project of reclamation of the former petrol pump area.

  1. A constructive dialogue was established with the Roma families present in the area and with the president of the Nuova Vita Association in view of an effective collaboration.

Two possible accesses to the Park from Via Casilina have also been identified:

  • the passage between the Osteria and the rottamatori, which lends itself both as a pedestrian and bike path, which simultaneously represents the access point for the residents of the districts Alessandrino, Centocelle and Torre Spaccata. This option is however to be considered more complex, but not impossible to complete, and in any case symbolically more interesting because it also provides the enhancement of the Osteria, and that allows you to access directly to the path to Torre Spaccata-Romanisti and via Papiria;
  • the passage after the former Agip petrol pump, on the right from the exit from the metro stop “Centocelle Park”, the easiest solution to achieve, and allowing direct access to the Garden of the first excerpt.


  1. The Blue Association, which has joined the project, has established a relationship with an association of speleologists interested in the underground wealth of the area as well as the historical value of the Tunnel.


The meeting went on and focused on the choice of the name of the working group, the internal governance system, the definition of strategic objectives.  The name was chosen after a brainstorming phase during which the key words that guide the group emerged, its motivations, its values: these words are park, community, public, heritage-resource.

Park because you have to restore value to the Park as a Park, as a resource and a place of attraction for the community and for the community;

Community has an extremely inclusive value, that is, it is addressed to anyone who wants to make their contribution to the design nature of the group;

Public because it is necessary to reaffirm the public nature of the park

Heritage-resource because the Park represents an invaluable environmental, naturalistic, avifaunic, historical and archaeological value.

For these reasons the name of the group is COMMUNITY FOR CENTOCELLE PUBLIC PARK


This Community has:

the objective of:
set up a collaborative and shared territorial working group for the redevelopment and regeneration of the Centocelle Archaeological Park;

by the following means:
Teaming up with the civic, social, economic, cognitive and institutional forces of the neighborhood to promote civic collaboration through a Pact of Collaboration with Institutions;

and is animated by the following shared values:
sharing, respect for the environment and the community, transparency, coherence, social justice, solidarity, environment as history, archaeology, meaningful human relations, sport, integration and social inclusion, sustainable mobility, beauty, enhancement of the common good, participation, freedom, sociality, coexistence, legality, transparency in management.

The community has several skills:
manuals, techniques, technological, didactic, organizational, relational, design, digital, social, communicative and a precious and in-depth knowledge of the Park, its history, its problems and current and potential resources.

The community has already identified possible forms of sustainability in terms of:
sharing of goods, assets and services, participation in calls, designing crowdfunding campaigns, fundraising activities, sponsorships, community membership.

The actions that the Community intends to carry out are mainly based on two axes: safety and sustainable attractiveness and relate to the redevelopment of spaces in terms of urban regeneration and enhancement of the historical territorial memory, ordinary maintenance, extraordinary maintenance, surveillance, preservation of the archaeological heritage, systematic monitoring, networking and dissemination of information.

The governance of the community will be structured in communication activities towards the inside (Facebook group, whatsapp, mailing list….) and communication towards the outside (Facebook page and other social channels, blogs, newsletters…). The internal governance tool will see the implementation of a temporary Collaboration Protocol as a transitional instrument towards the Collaboration Pact.

The first intervention of micro-regeneration that the Community for the Public Park of Centocelle proposes to carry out is the adoption of a tree to be planted in the Park on the occasion of the Walking Day scheduled for Sunday, October 9 as a symbol of a nascent urban Forest of the Community.   Such plan could preview the support of the Association “Un Punto Macrobiotico” that from years proposes and supports the initiative “A wood for the city”.

The second micro-regeneration is related to the redevelopment of the former Petrol Pump area located on Via Casilina corner Viale P-Togliatti, in front of the entrance of the Metro stop “Parco di Centocelle”.


The upcoming actions that the Centocelle Public Park Community intends to carry out are:

  • verification of associations wishing to join the Temporary Collaboration Protocol,
  • drafting of the Protocol
  • design of the above two micro-regeneration activities
  • involvement of the Third Sector
  • Official presentation of the Community to the institutions
  • start the procedures for the drafting of a Partnership Agreement.


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