#5 towards a preliminary collaboration protocol

Written October 4, 2016
#5 towards a preliminary collaboration protocol

The penultimate workshop organized by LabGov with the community of the Centocelle Archaeological Park takes place on October 3 in one of the rooms of the V Town Hall.

The workshop begins with an “appeal” of the associations that until now have shown interest in the path undertaken, and that have also guaranteed active participation.   The shared goal of building together a territorial working group that promotes the collaborative and shared management/ redevelopment of the Park.

Currently they have joined the project: the Committee of District Centocelle Historical, The Committee of District Torre Spaccata, the ASD LUXRoma, the Blue Association (which has just obtained the adoption of 8,400 square meters of Park), the Association Sport Cycles Caldaro, Seventh Biciclettari.  Other committees and associations are expressing their interest in membership and collaboration.

The project “Operation Festa del Parco” is temporarily put aside in order to focus the forces and energies on a more specific micro-regeneration activity that can give value to the Park as accessibility, reclamation and enhancement of the archaeological heritage.

Discussing the criticality of access, the group identified an area of the Park that meets all these needs: the former Petrol Pump located on Via Casilina corner Viale P-Togliatti, in front of the entrance of the Metro stop “Park of Centocelle”: the area is interesting as well as strategic, because it could represent a relevant entrance to the Park.  It also sees the presence of an important monument, the Osteria di Centocelle, and the Tunnel that was to become the first metro in Rome, connecting the neighborhood to the city center, and that currently connects this access to Via di Centocelle, and access to the GRAB. Currently the building of the former petrol pump is occupied by two families of Roma origin, who have long regenerated part of the area. One of the two families has already made herself available for collaboration.


Step 1: Identification of intervention actions and stakeholders in the identified area

Step 2. identification of the objectives, interests, relationships and regulations of each stakeholder, in order to find a mode of involvement aimed at establishing a collaborative relationship. This phase was useful to divide the tasks among the participants in the workshop: each of them chose, according to their skills and potential, the stakeholders with whom to start the dialogue, depending on the reference action.

The agenda of the next appointment will be to establish together a collaboration protocol between the Associations that have expressed the will to join the territorial working group that promotes the management/ collaborative and shared redevelopment of the Park.

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