Project description
The Tiber represents an opportunity to invest in for the redevelopment of urban space; it is a chance to create new welcoming and inclusive places, connect the central urban area with areas on the fringes, reconnect the ecological network, develop art projects and cultivate the cultural experience, and improve the well-being of the city and its citizens by creating spaces for events and sports̀ activities. The Tiber is a blue and green infrastructure that caǹ contribute to achieving the goals of sustainable development and urban resilience. In fact, the river contributes to the performance of natural processes in the city, to increase the degree of biological diversitỳ and self-regenerative capacities, to form connecting corridors with external habitats, fostering necessary biological exchanges, offsetting the city's ecological footprint on the land and increasing the degree of resilience of the urban ecosystem. Such eco-system services should be enhanced becausé a healthy river improves urban metabolism and the eco-efficiency of its various components. In order to be able to redevelop the Tiber, it is necessary to adopt an approach inspired by the quintuple helix, that is, to create an eco-system in which public actors, private actors, universities and research institutions, organized and unorganized civil society can collaborate in order to adopt innovative solutions. This is precisely the approach used by Agenda Tevere, which collaborates with actors representing all the propeller blades. With this specific goal in mind, Agenda Tevere Onlus was established in 2017, an accelerator for change, collaboration and shared responsibility taking. Agenda...