Open Heritage: the third co-design session of the Local Action Plan kicks off

Written April 8, 2019
Open Heritage: the third co-design session of the Local Action Plan kicks off

On Saturday 06 March, at the Dopo Beer&Food Experience, the LabGov team coordinated the third session of the Collaboratorio di Roma Local Action Plan co-design process.

After a brief presentation of the activities defined during the midweek teamworks moments, the session got under way. Participants, divided into working groups, defined the details of. agreed actions and identified stakeholders to be included.

The Bike Tours group analysed the documents needed to carry out the operation and discussed the possibility of including in the project an association that provides technical assistance and support for the search for guides qualified to accompany bike tours.

The Local Campaign group focused on defining an online and offline communication strategy to promote a narrative on the Heritage Site and the Living Memory Exhibition. It was decided to create a contest of street art, photography, poetry and writing to involve the creatives who gravitate in the district and collect material that can constitute the animation of the Living Memory Exhibition. There was a request to look for alternative tools to leaflets like gadgets or notebooks.

The group Living Memory Exhibition & Heritage Site has proposed to set up a photographic exhibition in the Tunnel and propose musical evenings involving the Centro d’Iniziativa Popolare Alessandrino (CIP). Finally, the process for the regeneration of the Tunnel has been outlined.

The session closed with the planning of the midweek activities of the teamworks and the definition of the contents of the next meeting that will focus on the definition of the sustainability model of the LAP.

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