To practice civic collaboration, #collab_bici!

Written April 23, 2019
To practice civic collaboration, #collab_bici!

Fourth day of the Civic Collaboration, Save the Date!

Saturday, May 4, from 9 to 13 will take place a bike ride in the heritage area of Centocelle. The occasion is that of the Day of Civic Collaboration, an initiative that for three years is held in the first week of May as a day dedicated to collaboration between actors for the care of cultural heritage, tangible and intangible, as a common asset of the districts of Rome South-East (Alessandrino, Centocelle and Torre Spaccata).

The initiative is promoted by CooperACTiva, the first cooperative of communities in a complex urban area born in Rome in the Centocelle, Alessandrino and Torre Spaccata districts, by the Collaboratorio di Roma with the support of LabGov, the laboratory for the governance of the city as a common good of LUISS Guido Carli within the European project Open Heritage Horizon 2020 [1]

This year we thought to put in the street the seeds of civic collaboration for the enhancement of heritage, and launch the hastag collab_bike to collect the scheduled activities that will see participants in the event take a walk to discover the beauty of the cultural and archaeological heritage of the neighborhood. The first part of the #collab_bici walk will be dedicated to the theme, illustrated through the tour, the resources and the critical aspects of the Centocelle Park. The stages within the park include the Villa della Piscina, the Villa ad Duas Lauros and the airstrip. We will continue towards the Tunnel and the ancient inn of Centocelle.

The event in question is the first radius of a wheel of events that will take place during the months of May and June and July and will inaugurate the activities incubated as part of the Collaboratorio di Roma to test a model of sustainability for cultural heritage in cities through a service of mobility and sustainable tourism in the Alexandrian area, Centocelle and Torrespaccata. Three successive stages of this path will take place on 4 and 26 May and 6 June as part of the Festival of Sustainable Development organized by the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development (ASVIS).  The Festival aims to raise awareness around the issues of economic, social and environmental sustainability through a concrete commitment on the national territory with a 17-day event, as many as the Sustainable Development Goals set by the 2030 UN Agenda.

During the same day there will be a stage for the collection of signatures for the bill of popular initiative promoted by the Rodotà Committee. At the end of the walk, there will be a moment of discussion with the community on the subject matter of the law, the common goods. You can subscribe to the initiative at the Library Rugantino.

Follow the #CooperACTion, stay tuned!

[1] Recent articles tracing the co-working process of the Local Action Plan

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