Start of the incubation process of the Local Action Plan (LAP) of the Rome Collaborator within the Open Heritage project.

Written March 19, 2019
Start of the incubation process of the Local Action Plan (LAP) of the Rome Collaborator within the Open Heritage project.

Saturday, March 16, from 11:00 to 13:00 at Fusolab 2.0, the community hub of the Alessandrino district, has officially begun the process of incubation of the “Local Action Plan of the Collaboratorio di Roma”

The activity represents a fundamental phase of the Open Heritage project ( related to the European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020, which investigates and tests models of governance of the tangible and intangible cultural heritage of cities that are economically sustainable and inclusive . The local Action Plan (LAP) defines the mission, strategies, activities and business plan of the Rome Collaborator, one of the six “Cooperative Heritage Labs” of the Open Heritage project, where socially and economically sustainable reuse models of cultural heritage will be designed and tested.

Coordinated and facilitated by the LUISS LabGov Team, the meeting (open to all stakeholders of the Alessandrino-Centocelle-Torre Spaccata district willing and motivated to participate) as well as defining the mission, objectives and strategies of the “Local Action Plan”was aimed at creating a shared agenda for the structuring of the activities that will start from June 2019.

The meeting was attended by stakeholders in various ways interested in the activities carried out within the district: local NGOs, commercial actors active in the area of Centocelle, the founding members of CooperACTiva, the neighborhood cooperative and recognized heritage community FARO incubated by LUISS in previous years, but also representatives of Legacoop and city dwellers interested in the project.

The LUISS LabGov Team, after presenting the Open Heritage project to the actors who took part in the meeting, shared the timeline of the process, allowing those present to integrate and refine it based on their availability. The objectives of the Collaboratorio di Roma have also been defined, together with the specific aims of the actions linked to it. The meeting thus entered into the phase of defining the organization and structuring of the incubation process. The co-working session focused on the creation of a working group among the participants, based on the activities that will be implemented in the Collaboratorio.

At the end of the meeting, the participants undertook to involve other actors in the district who can contribute in a functional way to the activities of the laboratory and in the incubation process of the Local Action Plan. The next meeting, scheduled for the following week, will focus in particular on the co-planning of the specific activities of the LAP and the strategy of stakeholder involvement.

#Europeforculture#cultural#heritage#H2020#CoRoma#iBenidiRoma#cityasacommons #Collaboratorio #CollaboratorioRoma

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