Co-designing a smart collaborative District: from ideas to facts.

Written July 29, 2022
Co-designing a smart collaborative District: from ideas to facts.

The third year of work resumed with the organization of several workshop moments organized by ENEA in collaboration with LabGov – LUISS. The first of these moments consisted of a series of four meetings having as their subject the circular economy. The workshops were held by experts in the field who provided the many participants with new skills and tools in order to implement initiatives capable of enhancing the neighborhood and exploiting its potential. In fact, activities were mainly focused on developing and creating projects on urban sustainability through circular economy models and new governance models.

Once these four meetings were over and the winter vacations had passed, the work of the so-called Centoc’è Laboratory facilitated by LabGov with the support of ENEA resumed: the first meeting, in addition to being a moment of reboot, served to share ideas and reflections to consolidate the work done up to that point and to begin to put into practice what had been acquired on the circular economy, through an initial brainstorming activity.

 A first part of the workshop was devoted to sharing planning and working hypotheses to begin building an initial plan of action; during the second part, however, participants worked on the maps through a collaborative mapping activity, which served to transfer the touchpoints that emerged from the needs analysis onto them. This activity caused a dialogue and shared reasoning to begin among those present on how and what to intervene in the redevelopment of the entire district. What began to be done through collaborative mapping was taken up and completed during the second meeting, in which new citizens and associations took part. This activity made it possible to geolocate needs and ideas and to identify new proposals and problems, which in the second part were transformed into first project drafts. Thus, in addition to acquiring knowledge and skills regarding the circular economy, they were also given project writing tools that helped to bring out and cultivate the group’s entrepreneurial nature. An important milestone achieved was to submit the project, entitled Co-Lab and born from the synthesis of the projects of the individual working groups, to the Culturability call for proposals.

In addition, the three working strands of the future community cooperative, namely culture, circular economy and collaborative neighborhood services, emerged from these workshops.

  In parallel, similar co-design workshops were conducted by the ENEA – LabGov team at Francesco D’Assisi High School as part of the school-to-work alternation program. The students of this high school also thus tried their hand at analyzing the needs of their local area through interviews conducted for neighborhoods, the results of which, were collected and turned into projects that included new reuse centers, cultural and recreational centers to meet all the needs of citizens and make those places even more livable. This was also possible thanks to an important contribution made by the Community for the Centocelle Public Park, which joined them during the workshops, along with LabGov and ENEA.

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