Heritour: discovering the heritage area of Centocelle

Written May 31, 2019
Heritour: discovering the heritage area of Centocelle

Sunday, May 26, on the occasion of the third edition of the Festival of Sustainable Development promoted by ASviS, at the district Roma Sud-Est took place the Heritour to discover the beauty of the neighborhoods Alessandrino, Centocelle, Torre Spaccata, and in support of the collaborative and associative realities that make them alive. The event, organized by CooperACTiva in collaboration with Luiss LabGov, due to adverse weather conditions was held on foot: the appointment was set at 10:00 at the former Agip square in Via Casilina, 890, where the participants were waiting for the volunteer speleologists of Underground Rome.

The group, equipped with torches and helmets, was guided inside the Tunnel of Centocelle and the quarries connected to it, the access of which was only possible thanks to the intervention of volunteer citizens who carried out extraordinary cleaning actions in the days before the event.

At lunch time the wine bar “In VenadiVino” hosted a pleasant convivial moment, to rediscover the flavors of the typical cuisine of the place. In the early afternoon began the treasure hunt set up by Centocellule, action to support the fundraising in favor of the reconstruction of the Library Cafeteria “The Electric Sheep”, victim on 25 April of an incendiary act.

In the late afternoon activities continued in the Alessandrino district at Fusolab 2.0, where in collaboration with Legambiente, was organized a social aperitif, accompanied by cultural and musical moments thanks to the presence of “La Scienza Coatta”, Andrea Satta and Paolo Pesce Nanna; there was also a charity auction organized in collaboration with Africa Upside down.

The event was also an opportunity to take photographs and participate in the contest #ScACTa “The Neighborhood in Motion”, which was born with the aim of telling the heritage of Centocelle, Alessandrino and Torre Spaccata, in order to generate a narrative that brings out the richness of the tangible and intangible heritage, and highlight the values, beliefs, knowledge and traditions, shared in continuous evolution. Further information can be found on the dedicated page [1].

[1] https://www.facebook.com/events/2426478977414947/

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