Open Heritage: the second co-design session of the Local Action Plan kicks off

Written March 22, 2019
Open Heritage: the second co-design session of the Local Action Plan kicks off

Yesterday, Thursday, March 21, at the Area Camper L.G.P. adjacent to the Park of Centocelle, the LabGov Team coordinated the second session of the co-design process of the Local Action Plan of the Collaboratorio di Roma. After a first phase of detailed presentation of the Open Heritage project, the participants were divided into three groups defined on the basis of the ideas generated during the first meeting, in order to identify the activities that will start from June 2019. Each group was invited to define actors, actions, timing, resources, obstacles and communication strategies of the activities to be implemented.

The first group identified four bike tour routes, focusing on different thematic areas such as history, crafts, catering and green areas, focusing on the inclusion of cooperatives, associations, restaurateurs and historical witnesses. They also identified some legal dimensions that may represent potential obstacles to the realisation of the activities.

The second group, after having defined the Heritage Site object of the valorization, has tried to identify the institutional actors that must be involved in the realization of the prefigured activities.

The third group worked on the planning of the communication campaign on the territory, focusing on the use of digital media and the promotion of artistic activities, in order to generate narratives on the historical and cultural heritage of the target area.

During the next encounter the involved subjects will have to define a Timeline of the activities identified so that they can be activated within the established times in the within of the plan.

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