Second day of civic collaboration: at the Park of Centocelle to practice collaboration by playing and getting your hands dirty.

Written July 27, 2018
Second day of civic collaboration: at the Park of Centocelle to practice collaboration by playing and getting your hands dirty.

Following the reclamation activity and spent the winter holidays, the work and collaboration with the Community for the Public Park of Centocelle focused on the organization of the second day of civic collaboration, which saw the Community as protagonists, students LUISS – LabGov, numerous local associations and the Centocelle Archaeological Park.The new year has therefore begun with a series of workshops and co-working dedicated to the programming of this activity that has put the kids immediately to work, providing them with the necessary tools to organize a cooperative placemaking event. These types of events represent important tools for the practice and experimentation of urban governance, since they allow the emergence of actors able to contribute to processes of transformation of the territory in a collaborative key, the so-called civic entrepreneurs (in this case we refer to the process of transformation of the District in a collaborative District)

The day, which was held on the first Saturday of May 2017, took place in the area adjacent to the former petrol pump and the old Osteria, which in Roman times was a nymphaeum part of the complex that includes the two Roman villas located under the Park.

The event was composed of two moments: during the morning were organized recreational and sports activities, entirely dedicated to children, while adults were engaged in a cleaning activity of a part of the park; in the afternoon, instead, All present together contributed to the creation of vegetable gardens in boxes that were donated to the two ROM families, who live in the petrol pump, as a symbol of the friendship and collaboration born in time. It is also the second urban garden satellite that the Luiss strudenti have helped create in the city, based on lessons learned thanks to the care of the #OrtoLUISS, taken out of the university, in the city.

The activities proposed to both adults and children, in addition to being the result of an intense work to which each of the participants gave an important contribution, were all designed not only to entertain, but through fun to convey important teachings and messages: from the importance of compliance with road and social rules through a path designed and built by Luiss students together with the community and the two ROM families, respect for the environment and the care of public spaces through the activity of micro-regeneration that has made it possible to go through one of the entrances on Via Casilina and the cycle path that continues inside the Park.

It was a day in which many citizens and families took part, but above all it was activities that highlighted how the encounter between diversity can generate new and fruitful synergies, and especially the axis policy makers – have a more than positive impact on the functioning and usability of spaces. The commons, therefore, in addition to representing a set of resources accessible and usable by local communities, represent a real process from which to originate innovative mechanisms and solutions of regeneration and even generation of a good and/ or service.

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